The spectacular fireworks picture here on the left represents the great joy and relief that it “worked” again. The long journey of 9 months from early planting to caring for the light roots to harvesting and processing is behind me. Only a few jars still need to be filled with powder that has long since been ground.
As in previous years, I was able to dry about half of the harvest in time and use it on the Holy Nights of 2023/2024 – i.e. from December 25th, 2023 – January 5th. 24 – ground into fine dust with a hand mill.
This year it will be the Give powder from the Holy Nights – initially from December 27th, 2023, i.e. ground during the full moon (healing moon) -, powder that was ground later (coming soon ) and another Stock from the grinding 2022/23 – there is sure to be something for every taste and every budget.
At this point I would like to say a special thank you to the many friends and well-wishers who took care of almost the entire harvest for me. I only had to take care of the processing like drying and grinding.
Thank you very much for that! You have done me and the Lightroot as a whole a great service.
Kind regards from
Hans-Martin Aurich
View products in the shop:
Light Root Powder, ground on the Holy Nights 2023/24 – on the full moon (healing moon)
Light Root Powder, ground on the Holy Nights 2022/23