2020 review – insights – foresight 2021

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Gratitude for a year, albeit an unusual one and a difficult one for many people, is at the top of my feelings, I look back to 2020.

Personal the year meant 10 months of 100% commitment to light root cultivation. At the same time, on the one hand, I noticed the human, physical isolation and on the other hand, the increasing digitalization – and the associated amazing developments in intellectual and interpersonal encounters – also in relation to agricultural work.

Demeter Hessen also had to react to the current situation and so the recognition meeting of the demeter companies took place digitally.
Recognition meeting – this is normal the completion of the annual steps necessary for certification. This is preceded by a so-called farm talk, in which representatives from two companies meet on one of the farms and discuss current issues. Sounds like additional effort, but the bottom line is a great, helpful and community-building aid for everyone.
A protocol is kept during the court discussions that provides reference points for the reports for the large group at the recognition meeting. The reports allow an intimate and deeper insight into the work of the companies.
Actually designed as “internals”, I make my report available to all interested parties.

This german video has an english subtitle included!

Contrary to what was indicated in 2020, work in the GLASHAUS Frankfurt will continue. What the financing will look like in particular is not yet completely clear.
In any case, I will make the IT knowledge I have acquired in the field of Internet and data exchange (merchandise management, shop systems, etc.) available to interested companies over 20 years. If you have any IT questions, please contact Hans-Martin Aurich, info [at] webconsultant [dot] de or 01578 850 25 42.

In 2021 it will be exciting to focus more on the involvement of interested parties who want to turn the “big wheel” of light root cultivation and marketing. Yes, you / you are / are meant – only a community can really bring this project – nutrition for the future – into this.
In this context there are so many places where you can get involved and find an individual place can. Hard physical work, delicate mental perception, technical fascination, overwhelming experiences with plants, weather, season, the encounter with one’s own limits and togetherness, pride in coping with bureaucracy, networking, experiencing meaning and shedding nonsense – the project “roots of light” can do all of this “offer.
I am very happy about everyone …

I wish you and you courage, hope, enthusiasm and a little daring for this young year and beyond!

With cordial solidarity
Hans-Martin Aurich

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